
The best cannabis retail platform for Vermont dispensaries

Flowhub satisfies your dispensary needs for point of sale, inventory management, payments, and more!

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Flowhub Vermont

Flowhub has been in the cannabis industry from the start. Founded in 2015, we have deep experience in cannabis compliance and understand Vermont's unique cannabis regulations. Flowhub is proud to support The Green Mountain State with industry-leading cannabis technology solutions.


About the market


Vermont medical cannabis was legalized in 2004.


Vermont adult use cannabis was legalized in 2018.

From opening day to opening your next location in VT

Vermont is expected to have strong demand for legal cannabis as adult-use sales ramp up. As new licenses are approved, there will be an influx of new businesses and consolidation of existing cannabis businesses looking to capitalize on the projected $145 million opportunity by 2026.

Flowhub's point-of-sale software helps you stand out with flexible, user-friendly tools like mobile analytics, check in, and inventory management applications — all done with compliance and efficiency in mind.

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Increase revenue

Integrated Flowhub Payments increase dispensary revenue by 30% on average. Payments speed up transactions and customers prefer to pay with debit cards vs cash.

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Reduce cost of operations

Save time with a suite of mobile apps for optimizing everyday operations like inventory management and customer check in.

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Manage risk & compliance

Flowhub handles compliance headaches with ease so you can stay focused on delivering the best customer experience possible.

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Modernize experiences

Impress your customers with speedy check outs. Offer online ordering for savvy shoppers and build a loyalty program to keep customers coming back.

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Scale & expand operations

Flowhub is fully customizable and scalable, so you can standardize operations across all locations and configure new stores in an instant.

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Connect data & apps

Flowhub's open API means you have freedom to integrate the best tools to meet your dispensary needs — from ecommerce to analytics to in-store kiosks.

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to all of your Vermont dispensary questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to all of your Vermont dispensary questions.

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Does Flowhub offer a Social Equity Program for Vermont dispensaries?

Yes! Flowhub's Social Equity Program is available in every market we serve, including Vermont. We have provided over $5M in free software to support underrepresented dispensary owners. Once approved, qualifying retailers receive Flowhub's biggest price discount available.

Apply here 👉

Can I process card payments with Flowhub?

Yes, Flowhub Pay is a fully integrated payment solution for cannabis dispensaries across the country, including those in Vermont. Flowhub Pay is better than most payment solutions available because it's seamlessly connected to Flowhub point of sale, meaning totals and change calculations are auto-populated so there is no manual entry or mental math required by budtenders. Customers on Flowhub Pay experience a 33% increase in revenue on average and are saving thousands of dollars on shrinkage per month.

We can get you set up in days. There are no long term contracts or monthly fees, and we’re happy to give you a rebate on every transaction.

Book your Flowhub Pay consultation to learn more.

Can I easily add new dispensary locations to my Flowhub account?

Yes, Flowhub excels at managing multiple dispensary locations. Our platform easily scales as you grow. Features like the global product catalog and the ability to transfer inventory between stores allow you to get your new location up and running quickly. We built our POS software so both owners and managers can make company-wide updates and see reports at the company level or location level.

How do I calculate Vermont marijuana tax in my dispensary?

Taxes are a common question because they vary from state to state, and often also by county or city. Vermont imposes a 14% excise tax on the retail sale of cannabis and cannabis products. Learn more about VT taxes from the Department of Taxes. You can also visit our blog, How to Calculate Cannabis Taxes at your Dispensary, to learn more about cannabis taxes and see how to do this in Flowhub.

Why do I need an integration to vendors like Weedmaps, Leafly, Dutchie, Jane, or Dispense?

Integrations to additional software vendors will not only help your dispensary run more efficiently, it will save you time and money. Integrating through Flowhub’s open API will automate manual tasks such as data entry and menu updates. Integrations also reduce the risk of human error. Using ecommerce integrations will help you stay competitive in today’s contactless environment, and into the future as customers enjoy the convenience of online ordering, delivery services, and curbside pickup.

Browse all Flowhub integration partners.

How can I keep my Vermont marijuana dispensary competitive?

Dispensaries in Vermont are in a unique position. They'll see tremendous demand for products as adult-use sales come online. But as time passes, competition will increase and you'll have to stand out to succeed.

Attracting new customers and retaining the ones you have is crucial to remain competitive. Your store needs to streamline processes, integrate technology, and connect data and apps to improve customer satisfaction.

Creating customer loyalty programs, speeding up check in, and creating a beautiful store layout will further your goal and your revenue stream. Flowhub’s modern point-of-sale system can help you with all this and more.

How do I transition my dispensary from medical to adult-use cannabis in Vermont?

The steps for transitioning your dispensary from medical to adult-use cannabis are:

  • Acquire new licenses
  • Expand inventory
  • Chang your store layout
  • Train new staff
  • Market your shop
  • Update your POS system

Learn more in this post or download the med to rec transition checklist.

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Vermont, are you ready to enter the flow state?

Book a demo to see how Flowhub can save you time, money, and headaches.