Flowhub Values

Mission-First • Maximum Urgency • Own It • Championship Team • Efficient Execution • Dispensary Obsessed • Positive Intent
Kyle sherman headshot

When I started Flowhub in 2015, I set out to build a better cannabis industry. Better technology, better workflows, better partnerships.

Without strong core values, none of this is possible. Values are the non-negotiable beliefs that guide our decisions and actions as a company.

The cannabis industry doesn’t come with the same societal and legal protections as other industries, making it even more critical to identify and live by unshakeable core values that create a culture aligning our employees, customers, and partners.

In 2024, Flowhub re-imagined our 7 core values to better represent who we are as a company now and where we’re headed in the future.

While these values have evolved, our mission remains unchanged. We are here to make safe cannabis products accessible to every adult on planet Earth.

I am incredibly proud of the Flowhub team and what we’ve accomplished together. The cannabis industry will always get our best as we continue to grow and support cannabis retailers in their success. This is how we flow at Flowhub.

With gratitude and love,

Kyle signature purple
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Our mission is ambitious and important. We avoid engaging in social or political activism unrelated to our mission while at work. We aim to make the workplace a refuge from division, staying focused on progress toward our mission.

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Maximum Urgency

We operate with maximum urgency, addressing high-priority initiatives—even outside regular hours. Our environment is intense, demanding intensity from each of us. We move faster than everyone else and out-hustle the competition.

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Own It

We step up to do work beyond our job descriptions, driven by our stake in Flowhub's long-term success. We remove barriers that prevent people from communicating or taking action. We act decisively to solve problems, and follow up to make sure they’re actually resolved.

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Championship Team

Flowhub is a high-performance team employing top talent. We watch out for each other and always jump to help when we’re needed. We hold each other to high standards, providing and seeking feedback.

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Efficient Execution

Our operations are lean and prioritize efficiency over hiring. We deliver high-quality work efficiently and only increase headcount when absolutely necessary. We scale processes with technology instead of people.

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Dispensary Obsessed

We prioritize our customers above all else, letting their needs drive our decisions. We believe in partnership—that their success is our success. We exceed our customers’ expectations in all interactions with us.

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Positive Intent

We maintain a positive attitude in everything we do. We are solution-oriented, avoid blaming each other, and always assume positive intent. We seek to understand before passing judgment. We treat everyone with respect, always.

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Join the Flowsquad

Want to make an impact in an exciting, new industry? Then come flow with us.